Original pencil sketch
I made this piece in November 2001 to help Mattel & Hallmark understand how
my customized 1964 El Camino inspired the original Hot Wheels look – and,
subsequently how I translated the El Camino’s unique styling into the Custom
Fleetside Pickup.
There is no “original” of this print because it’s made up of color prints
from other sources:
Upper half: partial print of my 1998 Convention rendering. The composition
or layout was changed somewhat and the number “16” added to identify the actual
number of cars I designed for the first (and what many Mattel people believed
would be the last) group of Hot Wheels.
Lower left: print of photo I took of my customized 1964 El Camino. This
photo was taken not far from Mattel in late 1966, shortly after I began working
at Mattel.
Lower right:
copy of the Custom Fleetside Pickup from Mattel’s 1968 product line catalog.
It’s very apparent how the distinguishing El Camino features were applied to the
Chevy Fleetside Pickup.
– Harry Bentley Bradley